The module "SpiTel" was designed and developed to get automatically in eGroupware all calls made by the company and going through the PBX, either incoming and outgoing.
With certain rules, calls can be linked to other information contained in egroupware or cause events (eg, calling a contact can generate an alert). Calls may also be automatically linked to contacts from the adressbook or with SpiClient
Here are some of SpiTel key features:
At the end of a call, the PABX sends tcp paquets to fill up the taxation software. In our case, the "taxation software" is a simple "TCP-server" hosted on the web server hosting egroupware, listening to the defined TCP port. The solution works with a Aastra PBX and might be adapted to other PBX.
The system allows calls to be made as all private, in which case only the titular will be able to see the data...
Also, it is possible to exclude certain numbers to be viewed the application, even if the calls are logged. For example, if the fax goes through the pbx, excluding the number of fax calls will not appear in egroupware.
The module is integrated with eGroupware and uses tools and filter list similar to those in the addressbook. An advanced search allows to search directly in the text, dates, etc..
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