16/20 avenue de l'agent Sarre
92700 Colombes
Flash Sécurité

Site internet de la société SPIREA, Société de Prestations en Informatique
Version du site en version mobile (sans images)
Logo Spirea - Solutions Informatiques
Flash eGroupware
Les modules les plus utilisés sont déjà compatibles avec la dernière version 21 de eGroupware (SpiFina/Spid/SpiQuote/SpiSMS/SpiClient...)

Objective : prepare and print audit reports online with eGroupware

Our module SpiAudit allows to construct audit reports online.

Our first need was to build up complete and evolutive reports on IT Security of our customers, both regular or "one-shot", for auditing purposes.

We thus rapidely built up a list of about 200 questions and checkpoints.  We thus had the need for a database, with collaborative functions..

Chapters are made of free texts (objectives/conclusions/recommendations) and of questions/anwsers prepared in advance and applied to audit types.

The pdf report is made by one click

We decided to makt this module open-source as we think it might well be used in a general context, and that it completes egroupware with a interesting new feature..

Organizations concerned

local administrations
consulting companies

Key Features


  • Themes
  • Audit types
  • Chapters/sub-chapters repository
  • Questions repository : Several types of answers possibles, for the moment, texts, closed question (boolean - yes/no - simple select box, multiple selebox) Each question may come with descriptions, default recommendation...

Audit management and reports

  • No limit on the number of chapters or questions
  • Progress is shown up for each chapters
  • PDF online printing
  • Possible links with egroupware elements (calendar, infolog...)

The audit works as a ticket, it might be open and thus editable.  Anwsers are filled up chapter by chapters, with the possibility to come back to change result.  It's possible to close but also re-open an audit as you wish.

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Terms of use of Spirea's open-source modules

The described module is published by Spirea under the same terms as eGroupware Community : GNU General Public License v.2.0 (GPL2).  In other terms:

  • The module is available as such without warranty and usable free of charge
  • You are allowed to modify it, as long as your modifications are published under the same terms (GPL)
  • Installation, maintenance, backups are on your sole and full responsibility

Technical background

Compatible with Egroupware 14.1 / 14.2 / 14.3
Développed with php, eTemplate, Javascript
<b>Compatible with accounts stored in mysql, Ldap, Active Directory</b>
Multi-language support

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