Our module SpiAudit allows to construct audit reports online.
Our first need was to build up complete and evolutive reports on IT Security of our customers, both regular or "one-shot", for auditing purposes.
We thus rapidely built up a list of about 200 questions and checkpoints. We thus had the need for a database, with collaborative functions..
Chapters are made of free texts (objectives/conclusions/recommendations) and of questions/anwsers prepared in advance and applied to audit types.
The pdf report is made by one click
We decided to makt this module open-source as we think it might well be used in a general context, and that it completes egroupware with a interesting new feature..
The audit works as a ticket, it might be open and thus editable. Anwsers are filled up chapter by chapters, with the possibility to come back to change result. It's possible to close but also re-open an audit as you wish.
The described module is published by Spirea under the same terms as eGroupware Community : GNU General Public License v.2.0 (GPL2). In other terms:
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