The module "Spirea-Academic" (SpiCademic) is developed to complete egroupware with a module to manage publications and academic actions.
Typically, module's entries will be academic publications (articles, books, thesis ...) linked to some reviews or collections.
Also, they might be knowledge tranmissions or actions, so as the module is comprehensive and versatile enough to cover all "output" for a research center : training, conferences, symposiums, tv or radio presentations, etc. .
All references are dynamic, fields associated with each publication type are created and defined by the application managers.
The system allows you to have statistics depending on different criterias and to make exports on opened formats (csv, xml, rtf) and documentation oriented format (bibtex)
The module is integrated with eGroupware and uses tools and filter list similar to those in the address book.
The elements of the module are configurable: type status and hours, packages, managers, etc..
The described module is published by Spirea under the same terms as eGroupware Community : GNU General Public License v.2.0 (GPL2). In other terms:
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