The SpiFiling software can transform your eGroupware into a file platform. The software is primarily intended for the exchange of files in legal proceedings (expertise, conciliation) but can cover other needs:
Legal experts are specially empowered professionals, responsible for providing technical advices to judges on facts to clarify cases. They are specialists in varied disciplines (architecture, economics and finance, etc.).. Their opinions are not binding on judges who are free of their appreciation.
As part of their mission, forensics are obliged to centralize and disseminate to all parties, all incoming documents of the proceedings.
At the operational level, this task is made difficult by:
Also, third parties may also, themselves, submit documents that must be shared with all.
The platform is set up under the operational responsibility of legal experts but accessible to third parties: parties, lawyers, foresincs, experts, etc..
The files (pdf, images, documents) are attached to a folder and are immediately viewable by all parties who receive notifications immediately posted online.
Depending on the settings, third parties may have the right to add and / or view files only the selected folders
A set of elements of traceability allows to see which contact has not downloaded which file, and then send reminders...
SpiFiling contains a set of functions to secure the platform :
- Exchanges are encrypted when the site is in SSL (using https)
- File integrity is guaranteed by the calculation of the checksums (checksums can be checked online or offline)
- Every action is logged and confirmed with an email: file upload or upload, etc.
- Statistics to control the files that have not been recovered and reminders ...
Access rights are managed both with the general access and folder by folder. Contacts have roles and defined rights on a folder.
Managers or experts have specific access rights, but it is possible to isolate the cases/folders so that managers can manage files independently.
The module is integrated with eGroupware and uses tools and filter list similar to those in the addressbook.
The elements of the module are configurable types and statuses folders, files, roles, etc..
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