If quality managers know and are masters of their methods, issues of quality management concern all teams of the organization: manufacturing, logistics, purchasing, etc..
Often, quality management involves teamwork so as to report the incidents to the quality managers and, of course, trace the necessary treatments of quality issues, both curative and preventive actions.
The SpiQual application integrates into eGroupWare the tools needed to manage the quality incidents and customer complaints. The software is designed to run completely in eGroupWare, with possible links to other modules such as calendar, addressbook, or different modules published by Spirea (SPID SpiClient, SpiRef, etc..).
The module will allow to attach the following information about each incident:
For each incident quality or customer complaint, you can add the cost elements by selecting a cost type, an amount of units (hours, quantities) and the date of the cost. The total cost of the incident is displayed directly on the form.
The costs are then available statistical reports...
Depending on the settings, users can only see the incidents concerning them, according to their location or their team (set in SpireAPI).
Tracking features allow access to history tab, but also to due dates and delays...
Incidents and actions are assigned to users with due dates. Different views allow to see any delay in the actions and send email reminders by email with a single click ...
Access rights are managed both with the general access and folder by folder. Contacts have roles and defined rights on a folder.
Site managers (defined in SpireAPI) will have extensive rights and can view and edit all incidents on their site ...
The module is integrated with eGroupware and uses tools and filter list similar to those in the addressbook.
The elements of the module are configurable types and statuses folders, files, roles, etc..
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